Domain Name Rental Agreement
Domain Name Rental Agreement
Domain Name Rental Agreement - legal agreement for the rent/lease of a domain name.
This agreement is for the owner of a domain name who wishes to generate revenue from the name while retaining full legal ownership.
The agreement gives the person or organisation renting the domain name rights to use the domain name during the rental/lease period. However, on the termination of the agreement all rights revert immediately to the owner of the name.
The agreement states that payment of the rental fee will be in accordance with the Owner's standard payment terms, which the Owner can change at any time on giving reasonable notice to the Renter.
The agreement also includes an option for the Renter to purchase the domain, though this is strictly subject to the Owner agreeing to sell and the price for the sale being agreed.
Clauses in this agreement:
- Rental Term and Fees
- Payment Terms
- Ownership
- Domain Name Transfer/Hosting
- Further Domain Name Use
- Rights on Termination
- Termination
- Option To Purchase
- Notice
- Confidentiality
- Assignment
- Force Majeure
- Joint Venture or Partnership
- General
- Jurisdiction
Where a domain name is rented to another party, it is important that the limits and restrictions of the rental are clearly laid out. Having a detailed written agreement is vital for protecting the interest of both parties.
Business Pack Upgrade
CompactLaw Business Pack - contains this domain name rental agreement and further relevant business documents.