Introductory Tenancies for new tenants

These were created by the Housing Act 1996. They are tenancies which can be granted by a local authority or housing action trust. However, the local authority must have "elected" to operate the introductory tenancy in it's district, in which case it will apply to all it's future lettings to new tenants.

The tenancy does not become "permanent" until 12 months after it starts. If at any time before this 12 month period ends the tenant misbehaves the local authority / housing action trust can get possession.

If you have an introductory tenancy your landlord must serve a written notice on you to say that they intend to start court proceedings and say when and give the reasons why they are seeking possession. The notice must also tell you that you are entitled to review your landlord's decision to get possession and that you can seek legal advice.

In order to get possession of the property the local authority / housing action trust must get a court order. If you want to review the decision made to get a possession order, you must act within 14 days of getting the written notice. You should write to the local authority / housing action trust to say that you want them to look at your case again.

Even if you have an Introductory Tenancy you still have the same rights as other tenants to have your property repaired and to be consulted about any matters which affect the property you live in.

You can still have "succession" rights to an Introductory Tenancy. If you are a husband, wife, unmarried partner, parent, grandparent, child, brother, sister, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece of a tenant who has died.

If you were not married to the tenant then you need to show you were living with the tenant for at least 12 months before the tenant died and the property was your only home. You can then take over the tenancy.

A divorce court can transfer the Introductory Tenancy to your husband or wife as part of a divorce settlement. Otherwise Introductory Tenancies cannot be transferred (except on succession as stated above).

Housing Injunctions - to stop anti-social behaviour

Public Housing